We're handing over the keys to the ferrari - take complete control of our gaming portfolio that has over 7 Million downloads across the world. Our most famous game, TightWire, has been in the Top 10 of iTunes on several occasions - peaking at the #1 overall ranking in the App Store. Our apps have been downloaded in over 90 countries across the world. Awarded 'Killer Application' by Mashable and featured by Gizmodo, Fox, and Apple.

This is a chance to have your work, your brain power, and your artistry instantly seen by millions of our users across the world. Creative Freedom. Expression. Exposure. Work on our titles, or work on your own ideas. We'll even put your name on the game credits - how cool is that?

We're looking for someone who takes pride in their work, delivers on their word, and is confident in their abilities. Completely flexible work hours, as well as your start and end date.
Ohh yeah, this is a paid internship with a potential percentage of profits and equity.

Please contact us for more information and résumé submissions.